Tuesday, April 18, 2006

4-18-06 Bicycle Greenways continued...

In getting to this sad state of affairs, the motoring public did have a general plan -a unifying vision. In the '50's, it pledged our country's resources, best human talent and billions of dollars to making its dream of a utopia real. "If you build 'em, they will come." This was the rallying cry for the interstate highways. As cyclists, we need to commandeer this phrase for ourselves; use it to reverse the sad state of current affairs that this country's love affair with the auto has forced on us.

[You're right about that. However, I think it'll take a lot more time to get bicycles to come than it did for cars. It seems to me that Americans are deathly afraid of physical exursion [SP?].

Maybe there should be some sort of incentive. Maybe some sort of a tax break for those who use it?

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I'm a happily married 33 gentleman. My wife Allyson and I have an 11 year old daughter named Veronica.