Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm love cycling so much that I'm thinking of growing a handlebar
mustache as symbolic proof.

However, I'd like to give it a brand name. I'm unfamiliar with the
best bicycle handlebars, so I need suggestions.

When people compliment me - IF they ever do - I'd like to say, "Thank
you very much," and, then, pointing at my mustache with both fingers,
"Why it's a [insert brand name here] mustache!"

p.s. I'm sorry it's been so long (years ?) since my last post. Blogging is a good way to keep living in other people's minds. I hope you didn't think I was dead...

p.s. I just notice I could make labels for my posts. This is a great new option for me to abuse!

1 comment:

Jason Samsa said...

sweet, so glad to see another post here


About Me

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I'm a happily married 33 gentleman. My wife Allyson and I have an 11 year old daughter named Veronica.