Saturday, December 03, 2005

12-03-05 New DISorder

I thought you Coma Times readers would get a kick out of my following posting to the newsgroup ALT.ZINES:

Subject: New DISorder - new neo-new wave homoerotic glam-rock band.

Text: If you haven't already, check them out. Thier shows are fucking brutal. They often times play without wearing their typical ripped, tight stonewashed jeans. On these occasions people have been known to get black-and-blue from being hit by their enormously heavy cocks.

I'm really itching for an autograph from their lead singer, Deathnix 92. ButI have yet to get one. So if any of you zinesters see them, please try to get Dethnix's autograph for me.

I need my fix of DEATHNIX!!!,

FYI - The name "New DISorder" was inspired by that excellent new wave band "New Order".

Check 'em out: New Order

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I'm a happily married 33 gentleman. My wife Allyson and I have an 11 year old daughter named Veronica.